Art Money

We partner with Art Money to make art more accessible

Art Money empowers people to buy art, supporting artists, galleries and a sustainable creative economy. We provide a commission enabling the no interest business model. In return, we get paid immediately, the artist gets paid, you take your art to enjoy now and pay over time. Win win. Find out more.


All works available now with the option of an easy and smart payment plan with Art Money.


10 payments. 10 months. No interest.

Enjoy now, pay over time, instead of upfront.

1. Apply for Art Money Credit ( first time clients only)

Get started here, quick & easy real time application, request a credit limit to suit your art budget.

2. Buy

Select & purchase your artwork, pay a deposit, congratulations, it's yours!

3. Enjoy, pay over time

Your work will be shipped immediately - or straight after a lead time of few weeks if prints are from edition or works needs framing. Future payments are monthly direct debits. Enjoy!



December 9, 2022